Council Members Present:
- Hart Lambur
- Jonathan Alexander
- Juan Garre
- Tomasz Stańczak
The Council meeting opened at approximately 8:00 pm (UTC) on March 28, 2023. It was noted that proper notice had been provided to the Council in accordance with the Bylaws. Four of the Council Members were in attendance and the meeting had a quorum. The Council consented to the appointment of certain third-party notetakers and attendees.
Ongoing Matters
The Council reviewed and discussed the status of several ongoing matters. The Council noted that the Foundation was still looking to fund a role similar to a product manager but tailored to the decentralized nature of the Network, who could assist in facilitating interaction between the Forta community and the users and development teams working on the Network, and to facilitate collective execution of product initiatives within the Forta ecosystem.
The Council turned its attention to the ongoing Network fee discussions within the Forta community. The Council discussed the initial fee framework that had been posted in the Forta forum and the related discussion and feedback that had been received. The Council discussed the maturity of the current fee framework and determined that an updated framework that incorporated new feedback should be commissioned, which could help shape the framework into a more formal community proposal.
The Council reviewed the process that was recently followed to patch a bug via the Council’s async approval process. The Council noted the importance of the Forta bug bounty program given the open nature of the protocol and agreed that they, along with the rest of the community, must remain diligent in responding to identified bugs.