Minutes of the Forta Governance Council (01/05/2024)

Node Operator FORT Rewards

Further to discussions in past Council Meetings, a Council member made an async proposal to reduce FORT rewards for node pools in the Forta Network to 100,000 FORT per week, with the reduction to occur in a step function over the course of four weeks beginning on January 29, 2024:

The Council reviewed the rewards formula in place for node operators that currently distributes 200,000 FORT per week. It was noted that , with the expected deployment of generic bots, developers will be able to bring their own RPC and handle the costs, which should lead to a significant decrease in operation costs for node operators. As a result, it was proposed that FORT rewards should therefore be reduced to 100,000 per week.

The proposal to reduce weekly FORT rewards was passed by the Council following the async approval of more than half of the active Council members in accordance with the Bylaws.


hi. by reducing the reward, did you think that this is a blow to node operators and many nodes will be disabled, or does this question not bother you?


hi, I have a question about RPC. Bot developers will need to use their own RPC or have a choice between their own or the node operator.


The announcement says that bot developers will have to have their own RPC and therefore significantly reduce the costs of node operators.are you writing that bot developers will be able to choose between their own rps and node operators, which will force bot developers to use their own rps and incur additional costs? if they can use the nodes’ rps and not incur any additional costs, how will this reduce the costs of node operators?


even if the bot developers use their own rps, as this will reduce the cost of node operators to 0, operators will also have to pay for servers, and as for rps, 80-85% of node operators use free rps and they do not need to spend money on rps maintenance. thus, the maintenance costs of the node (server) will remain the same, but the remuneration will decrease


Errata, the bot developer will not have alternatives to choose from, only on the transition both options will co-exist.

End game is all bots are V2 and therefore, have their own RPC.


in this case, if the bots have rpc, therefore, the nodes will not need rpc, how will the sla be calculated, if the nodes do not use rpc, how will the rewards be calculated ?, the reward pool will be divided by the number of nodes running on the network? or how will the calculation and accrual of rewards take place?


SLA will still be calculated, because nodes will continue to perform work, even though bots will be bringing their RPC. The rewards formula is still the same, so there is no change in there.